Portrait by Tao Nguyen

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


This just in! August 15th from 1-3 p.m. I'll be at the Barnes and Noble book store in Silverdale, WA located at 10315 Silverdale Way NW. If you're in the area please stop by. Free bookmarks for all, and autographed books for sale.

"VANILLA GRASS" is the story of John Carrows, a Vietnam Vet with PTSD who rescues an abused Golden Retriever puppy that changes his life. John names her Sage because she's so young and yet, so wise for her age. Sage is blind in one eye, but that doesn't damper her spirit. She and John need each other and together, they begin the healing process. Finally, after living in isolation, John is no longer alone.

Sage was a dog I rescued some years ago that sadly, passed away in 2006. Resurrecting Sage in this book was comforting because as I wrote about her, I felt as if she were with me again.

You're probably wondering what does vanilla grass have to do with a Vietnam vet and a golden retriever? And what is vanilla grass, anyway? Vanilla grass, commonly called sweet grass, was and is widely used by north Native Americans. The Indians of the Great Plains believe it was the first plant to cover Mother Earth. Vanilla grass is one of the "four sacred medicines." The other three being cedar, sage, and tobacco. It's sweet smelling and has the lovely aroma of vanilla, chamomile and apples. Leaves are dried and made into braids and burned as vanilla-scented incense. It's used in healing rituals, woven into baskets, and braided into jewelry.

Throughout my novel, its fragrance and a certain bracelet are used to represent courage, love, healing, and promise. "VANILLA GRASS, a novel of redemption" is available for purchase online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kindle download. Your local bookstore can also order it for you.


Twitter: @LeslieBratspis 

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