In my novel, GOOD FORTUNE, Tong is an aged Chinese gentleman who suffers the loss of his beloved wife, Mei-li, after 14 years of shared happiness. For the rest of his life he silently carries the burden of his deep inner sorrow. His compassionate nature makes him particularly sensitive to the suffering of others who cross his path and he instinctively reaches out to help them, to teach them to overcome obstacles with gentle suggestions left open to personal interpretation. The book begins: "Tong's arduous journey through life prepared him to help others. He discovered that kindness outlasts suffering, and finding skillful ways through challenges mattered more than any indignity."
What does this mean? "...kindness outlasts suffering." In my next blog I'll discuss how this concept shaped Tong's character. To read a sample of GOOD FORTUNE or to purchase a copy, please follow the link below.
Yours in good fortune,